
Comics from June 18th

Wolverine #66

I generally don't like Wolverine, but I have been eagerly waiting for the Old Man Logan story arc to start because of how much I enjoy the work of both Millar and McNiven. After having read the first issue I am pretty much in the same boat. The issue was enjoyable to read and to look at, but it didn't do much besides set up the basic facts which I already knew from reading solicits and hearing people talk about the story. That complaint aside the writing and art were both up to expectations, and I particularly enjoyed Millar's use of Western-styled dialouge; it really helps to distance the story from other books which take place in the here-and-now of the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, this dialouge is sometimes thrown off track by somewhat cheesy lines that reference to other Marvel characters or events. Thankfully this didn't happen often, and it is in no way a major problem for the issue, but what makes them more bothersome than they should be is that I can't buy them within the context of the story which is supposed to be fifty years after all the other Superheroes of the Marvel Universe have died. Fifty years after all that has happened Hawkeye is really going to say "Oh, please. If Sabertooth could see you now." eh at least I don't think so. Minor things aside a great issue albeit one that doesn't do much but set things up. Can't wait to pick up Part Two.

DMZ #32

Another solid issue of DMZ's current Blood in the Game arc which deals with an upcoming election and "People's Candidate" Parco Delgado. More so than other arcs this one has thus far shown Matty coming into his own which has been a pleasure to read. It's hard to find bad things to say about this book, so I guess all I can really say is that I hope this arc doesn't signal the end for this particular storyline because there are so many things that Wood can examine here not to mention the fact that it would be nice to still be reading this storyline as it gets closer to November and our own Presidential election. Another round of one-shots would be great to look in depth at how the end of this arc impacts specific characters especially if it brings about the kind of change to the world of the DMZ that it looks like it is going to. It has been great watching Matty grow throughout these last four issues, but I'd like to see more from other characters particularly those like Zee who are more closely tied to the DMZ than our favorite reporter. It is understandable that Wood can't cram all those things into this arc, but I hope they get dealt with eventually.

Scalped #18

This issue of Scalped is a one shot about Officer Falls Down who readers of the series might remember from when he was set up by Red Crow and nearly killed. Even with a guest artist, who did a good job but was a bit too sketchy for me, all the things you loved about previous Scalped one-shots are here; in depth character study and an isolated story that still feels relevant because it moves along the over arcing storyline of the series. Again like in other issues of Scalped Aaron isn't treading new ground and telling the type of story that has never been told before, but that is irrelevant because of how well the story is told and how real and intriguing the characters have become over the past year and a half. If you aren't a fan of this series then I'm not a fan of you.

Time to go to work. Take care. - Jesse

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