
DMZ #31

This issue is Part 3 of the Blood in the Game arc which deals primarily with an election in the DMZ and the "people's candidate"Parco Delgado. Matty Roth has gotten close to Delgado and has begun covering Delgado's campaign. The big ending to issue #30 was Matty's mom coming into the DMZ and Wood starts to deal with this right away in this issue and handled it very well by using her, Matty, and Zee together. We get some background on Matty and his mom, and then we see Matty being interviewed and showing that he is no longer an outsider in the DMZ. Based on how the issue ends things are about to get even more complicated and this book has been solid for a long time so I'm sure the second half of this arc will deliver. I hope we get to see more of Zee and her hesitance to support Delgado in this arc because I think there is something really interesting there since she is much more closely tied to the DMZ as a long time resident than someone like Matty who while no longer an outsider hasn't been around forever but has still thrown himself behind Delgado. I'm personally always weary of candidates who are self-proclaimed "voices of the people" so again I hope Wood gives us more in that direction.

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