
Spoiler Free Comic Reviews

Scalped #17 by Jason Aaron with Art by RM Guera

This concludes the 6-issue Dead Mothers arc which has been incredible. A great first page which like many of Scalped's best pages has absolutely no text. Aaron is often happy to let Guera's art speak for itself and it almost always works perfectly. We don't get to see a long drawn out confrontation between Dash and Diesel, but what transpires should be pleasing to fans of the series. Like most good writing or at least writing that I enjoy the distinctions between hero and villain are never black and white, but rather quite gray. Nothing about this comic is black and white as evidenced by the story's "villain" Red Crow who is easily the most compiling "bad guy" in comics right now. The scenes involving Red Crow in this issue both at the funeral for Gina and afterwards are great and help to further blur that good/evil line even more. The ending of the issue is done beautifully and again features no text whatsoever which really forces readers to digest what they are seeing on the page. I was not thrilled about the reveal in the epilogue, but I trust the book enough to know that it will deliver. You have no excuse to not read this book.

Captain America #38 by Ed Brubaker with pencils by Steve Epting

Ed Brubaker is probably one of my and everyone else's favorite comic book writers at the moment, and rightfully so. His run on Captain America will go down as one of the best runs on any Marvel book. Period. However, at points over the past year and a half even fans of the book began to complain that the story was stalling and needed to pick up the pace a bit, and their complaints were not entirely unwarranted. Hopefully this book, as great as it is, isn't going down that path again. I feel kind of weird complaining about this book, but when something is so good expectations begin to rise and while this issue wasn't bad per se I finished it feeling kind of disappointed. Yes we find out who the other Captain America is, but we all knew it wasn't Steve and the reveal didn't leave me excited. Aside from this nothing in this issue really moved Brubaker's overarching story along enough for me. It was cool to see Bucky fighting alongside Falcon, but how many more issues do we need of Bucky telling us how he wants to make Steve or in this issue Steve's close friend Falcon feel like he truly deserves to be the one holding the shield. I'm sure something cool is coming I just hope we don't have to wait much longer for it. There doesn't need to be some huge Earth-shattering event or reveal in the book each and every month, but hopefully next month Brubaker gives us a little more than he did this time. Oh by the way the art is amazing as usual.


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